Conversion Rates for Bittrex Global GmbH (Liechtenstein) Customer Liquidations to Ether (ETH)

The information below applies only to customers of Bittrex Global, GmbH (Liechtenstein). It does not apply to customers of Bittrex Global (Bermuda) Ltd.

The following table lists the conversion rate used in the liquidation of Bittrex Global GmbH (Liechtenstein's) long-tail coins to Ether (ETH), as previously announced. Please see this article for more information on coins not listed here.

Currency Conversion Rate to ETH Currency Conversion Rate to ETH
1INCH 0.000198571966526128 MANA 0.000171485699546240
AAVE 0.043154455341192600 MATIC 0.000347499382532923
ACH 0.000008186765149742 MKR 0.843039069798016000
ADX 0.000076266861899425 MNW 0.000466040107451469
AKT 0.001102589069700290 MTL 0.000511520401108744
ALGO 0.000081483168027142 NEO 0.003934771339426770
ANKR 0.000010720423723183 NKN 0.000041205799980877
ANT 0.002339995130409190 NMR 0.006809984474494550
APE 0.000617537592411892 OCEAN 0.000175800234858780
API3 0.000713043176502801 OGN 0.000072601096616743
APT 0.003886790515457210 OMG 0.000284000481781798
AR 0.003201738380075860 ORBS 0.000012205076963891
ARDR 0.000031514603772180 OXT 0.000039516089198098
ARK 0.000262318089262200 PAXG 0.838333081850901000
ATOM 0.004099979436492510 PEPE 0.000000000522729458
AVAX 0.014944172958022700 PIVX 0.000105000103621206
AXS 0.003377739500764690 PLA 0.000087760922383541
BAL 0.001794134088046970 POWR 0.000168999612045375
BAND 0.000713712707493729 PROM 0.002466410189303540
BAT 0.000090799822606852 PUNDIX 0.000153383203975472
BCH 0.096649703378650300 QNT 0.047699980510015000
BNT 0.000323794792480026 QTUM 0.001198691520732850
BOND 0.001442982948884230 REN 0.000025314337864898
BTT 0.000000000377995572 REPV2 0.000358798467890736
CELO 0.000238636569765110 RLC 0.000546191143353510
COMP 0.023493811162280300 RNDR 0.001687538709462960
CRO 0.000028927855614257 RVN 0.000006656321514451
CRV 0.000230554633573564 SAND 0.000217833984993016
DAI 0.000418661473358816 SC 0.000003560680763400
DASH 0.011890180573834100 SHIB 0.000000004067853373
DCR 0.005282793348402590 SNT 0.000014143316981742
DFI 0.000028157614694049 SNX 0.001526402483116420
DGB 0.000002841778476099 SOL 0.041011626970279200
DOT 0.003099990142095960 SOLVE 0.000007468778859526
ENJ 0.000130019380077097 STEEM 0.000078148930391848
ENS 0.010136021346733800 STMX 0.000002566345311471
EOS 0.000293315820815150 STORJ 0.000231998615499283
ETC 0.010369895289617600 STRAX 0.000301665806320157
ETHW 0.001154582841178470 SUSHI 0.000466558720310848
FIL 0.002446920245502890 SYS 0.000044776240137993
FLR 0.000006489978412214 TLM 0.000006944606717662
FXS 0.003702645671430260 TRAC 0.000279704937790639
GALA 0.000010898945032025 TUSD 0.000358683551308314
GLM 0.000077128814079828 UMA 0.000848514239382647
GNO 0.073499618753738200 UNI 0.002622588460746680
GRT 0.000071839639745038 USD 0.000452538207921561
GTC 0.000533513636792997 VET 0.000009720443063604
HBAR 0.000026304675060819 VRA 0.000001819467415252
HIVE 0.000111922383841734 WAVES 0.000943974897045760
ICX 0.000101519551691141 WAXP 0.000020621115675028
IOTA 0.000078658993585131 WBTC 17.959423458291200000
JASMY 0.000002120007742408 XDC 0.000016886726251519
KDA 0.000378539574647667 XEM 0.000015881174330539
KMD 0.000088678086402403 XTZ 0.000433153079776516
KNC 0.000271850640169904 XVG 0.000001409668054842
KSM 0.017716307855731100 ZEC 0.008569912738471090
LINK 0.005746192907955630 ZEN 0.002859996077205520
LPT 0.003248725506802010 ZIL 0.000007545288378359
LRC 0.000108504998050607 ZRX 0.000141055612130408
LSK 0.000543526011084697    
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