Bittrex Global supports euro withdrawals for eligible accounts. Please note that EUR trading is offered by Bittrex Global and is subject to the Bittrex Global Terms of Service.
Note: the following countries are not eligible for Fiat (euro) withdrawals:
- Afghanistan (AFG)
- Albania (ALB)
- Algeria (DZA)
- Angola (AGO)
- Bahamas (BHS)
- Bangladesh (BGD)
- Barbados (BRB)
- Belarus (BLR)
- Belize (BLZ)
- Benin (BEN)
- Bolivia (BOL)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
- Botswana (BWA)
- Burkina Faso (BFA)
- Burundi (BDI)
- Cabo Verde (CPV)
- Cambodia (KHM)
- Cameroon (CMR)
- Canada (CAN)
- Central African Republic (CAF)
- Colombia (COL)
- Congo (Democratic Republic of) (COG)
- Code d'Ivoire (CIV)
- Cuba (CUB)
- Ecuador (ECU)
- Egypt (EGY)
- Eritrea (ERI)
- Ethiopia (ETH)
- Ghana (GHA)
- Guatemala (GTM)
- Guinea (GIN)
- Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
- Guyana (GUY)
- Haiti (HTI)
- Honduras (HND)
- Iceland (ISL)
- Iran (IRN)
- Iraq (IRQ)
- Jamaica (JAM)
- Jordan (JOR)
- Kenya (KEN)
- Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
- Laos (LAO)
- Lebanon (LBN)
- Liberia (LBR)
- Libya (LBY)
- Macau (MAC)
- Maldives (MDV)
- Mali (MLI)
- Marshall Islands (MHL)
- Martinique (MTQ)
- Mauritius (MUS)
- Mongolia (MNG)
- Mozambique (MOZ)
- Myanmar (MMR)
- Nicaragua (NIC)
- Niger (NER)
- Nigeria (NGA)
- North Korea (PRK)
- Oman (OMN)
- Pakistan (PAK)
- Palestine (PSE)
- Panama (PAN)
- Paraguay (PRY)
- Philippines (PHL)
- Qatar (QAT)
- Russia (RUS)
- Senegal (SEN)
- Seychelles (SYC)
- Sierra Leone (SLE)
- Somalia (SOM)
- South Sudan (SSD)
- Sri Lanka (LKA)
- Sudan (SDN)
- Syria (SYR)
- Tajikistan (TJK)
- Tanzania United Republic of) (TZA)
- Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
- Tunisia (TUN)
- Uganda (UGA)
- Ukraine (UKR)
- Uzbekistan (UZB)
- Vanuatu (VUT)
- Venezuela (VEN)
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe (ZWE)
How do I get started with withdrawals via wire transfers?
To enable withdrawals via wire transfer, Bittrex Global first needs to approve your bank account. To do this fill out the Euro Deposit and Withdrawal form.
No initial deposit is required, but you must fill out the form completely and prove you control your bank account by attaching a bank issued letter or account statement. This statement must confirm bank details as well as details for yourself that will be matched against your Bittrex Global account. Please note if the name on your bank account does not match the name on your Bittrex Global account, your application may not be approved.
How do I withdraw euros from my Bittrex Global account?
Bittrex Global allows you to withdraw euros to your bank account via either SEPA credit transfer or international wire transfer. Withdrawals to cards are not supported at this time. Please note a 10-day withdrawal hold is applied on all USD and EUR deposited for newly created accounts. You will need to wait 10 days to initiate a withdrawal of purchases with these funds.
Please follow the steps below after you have an approved fiat application on-file to initiate the transfer out of your Bittrex trading profile to your personal bank account.
- Using a PC or Mac login to your account.
- Select holdings in the upper right of the homepage.
- Use the search bar to pull the "EUR" wallet into view.
- Select withdraw on the right side of the screen. This will bring your banking information into view.
- Select either SEPA Transfer or Wire Transfer on the left side of the EUR withdraw window.
- Select the bank account you want to use, and enter the amount of EUR you want to transfer.
- Confirm the transfer details.
How do I add another bank account after I have already been approved for euro wire transfers?
You will need to submit the Euro Deposit and Withdraw form again with the new information.
Where is my withdrawal?
If you have not received your EUR withdrawal within the expected timeframe, please be aware that there are several factors that may influence the crediting of your deposit such as:
- Bank closures such as non-business hours (i.e., weekends)
- Bank observed Holidays
Bank observed Holidays in Liechtenstein 2022:
Thursday, 6 January Tuesday, 25 February Thursday, 19 March Friday, 10 April
Monday, 13 April Friday, 1 May Thursday, 21 May Monday, 1 June
Thursday, 11 June Tuesday, 8 September Tuesday, 8 December Thursday, 24 December
Friday, 25 December Thursday, 31 December
If theses exceptions do not apply, please submit a support ticket here.