Fiat is government-issued currency, such as the Euro (EUR). There are two types of fiat transactions supported on Bittrex Global:
SEPA transfer (EUR only)
wire transfer (EUR only )
Most customers are eligible to withdraw fiat on Bittrex Global with a few exceptions based on currency and location.
- Afghanistan (AFG)
- Albania (ALB)
- Algeria (DZA)
- Angola (AGO)
- Bahamas (BHS)
- Bangladesh (BGD)
- Barbados (BRB)
- Belarus (BLR)
- Belize (BLZ)
- Benin (BEN)
- Bolivia (BOL)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
- Botswana (BWA)
- Burkina Faso (BFA)
- Burundi (BDI)
- Cabo Verde (CPV)
- Cambodia (KHM)
- Cameroon (CMR)
- Canada (CAN)
- Cayman Islands (CYM)
- Central African Republic (CAF)
- Colombia (COL)
- Congo (Democratic Republic of) (COG)
- Code d'Ivoire (CIV)
- Cuba (CUB)
- Ecuador (ECU)
- Egypt (EGY)
- Eritrea (ERI)
- Ethiopia (ETH)
- Ghana (GHA)
- Gibraltar (GIB)
- Guatemala (GTM)
- Guinea (GIN)
- Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
- Guyana (GUY)
- Haiti (HTI)
- Honduras (HND)
- Iceland (ISL)
- Iran (IRN)
- Iraq (IRQ)
- Jamaica (JAM)
- Jordan (JOR)
- Kenya (KEN)
- Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
- Laos (LAO)
- Lebanon (LBN)
- Liberia (LBR)
- Libya (LBY)
- Macau (MAC)
- Maldives (MDV)
- Mali (MLI)
- Marshall Islands (MHL)
- Martinique (MTQ)
- Mauritius (MUS)
- Mongolia (MNG)
- Mozambique (MOZ)
- Myanmar (MMR)
- Nicaragua (NIC)
- Niger (NER)
- Nigeria (NGA)
- North Korea (PRK)
- Oman (OMN)
- Pakistan (PAK)
- Palestine (PSE)
- Panama (PAN)
- Paraguay (PRY)
- Philippines (PHL)
- Qatar (QAT)
- Russia (RUS)
- Senegal (SEN)
- Seychelles (SYC)
- Sierra Leone (SLE)
- Somalia (SOM)
- South Africa (ZAF)
- South Sudan (SSD)
- Sri Lanka (LKA)
- Sudan (SDN)
- Syria (SYR)
- Tajikistan (TJK)
- Tanzania United Republic of) (TZA)
- Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
- Tunisia (TUN)
- Uganda (UGA)
- Ukraine (UKR)
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Uzbekistan (UZB)
- Vanuatu (VUT)
- Venezuela (VEN)
- Vietnam (VNM)
- Yemen (YEM)
- Zimbabwe (ZWE)
- Azerbaijan
- Chad
- Comoros
- Morocco
- Turkmenistan
Requirements and supported actions and locations can also differ between transaction types. Here is all the information you need to know about each one:
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) transactions are credit/debit transfers that can be done using a single bank account.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is not required on your Bittrex Global account to make transactions using SEPA, but it is strongly encouraged to keep your account safe.
- SEPA transfers will take 1- 5 days to settle.
- Before you can make any wire transactions, you must first submit a fiat application so we can enable the Wire option on your Bittrex Global account. The name on your bank account must match the name on your Bittrex Global account, otherwise, your application will not be approved.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is not required on your Bittrex Global account to make transactions using Wire Transfer, but it is strongly encouraged to keep your account safe.
Withdrawals to your bank are supported.
- Wire transactions can only be completed from the Bittrex Global web version.
- Wires will take 3-10 days to settle.
Additional Information (see table below):
- Limits - how much you can withdraw per transaction or within a certain timeframe
- Withdrawal Holds - waiting period until you can make a withdrawal
- Fees - charged by Bittrex Global per transaction type
Personal Account
Corporate Account
Minimum Maximum €10 EUR Refer to your Daily withdrawal limit** Minimum Maximum* €10 EUR Refer to your Daily withdrawal limit** Withdrawal Holds
Account is less than 45 days old
Account is less than 45 days old
10 days
No hold
Account is 45+ days old
Account is 45+ days old
No hold
No hold
Withdrawals No fee from Bittrex Global Note:
Your bank may charge a fee.
No fee from Bittrex Global Note:
Your bank may charge a fee.
- * On the Bittrex Global web version, go to My Account > My Profile > Daily Withdrawal Limit.
If you are having any trouble with fiat transactions, or have any questions, please visit this article for withdrawals.